Political bickering should be left at home if ever possible. Let us not involve other people when we have problems in the house to solve our domestic problems. Similar to a typical family situation, problems should be settled within if there are.
Mrs. Arroyo was invited, or summoned whatever you may want to appear, by US President Barrack Obama to meet with in the Whitehouse by July 30, 2009. Of course President Gloria Arroyo has long wanted to meet with Obama since day 1. Even when Obama was still a candidate, Arroyo had longed to meet him already. Now that she is on her way to meet him, so let it be.
We are fully aware that the Arroyo government is tarnished with a lot of unresolved issues and that she has not done anything to resolve it so far. Ignoring it until it will die a natural death is the type of game they play to silence the noise. There is no need to enumerate them all because almost everyone in the Philippines is aware of it. There is no question that PGMA's credibility has really dwindled.
Now this is the issue at home. Philippine politics in its fledgling condition still has to go through a lot. Considering that we are still under our 14th president while the US is already on her 44th tells us so much that we need Uncle Sam to continually mentor us. Our democracy is yet so young that sometimes we tend to misunderstand its true meaning. It is often times abused by not only the authorities but also the people themselves.
The US as our mentor is abhorred by many sectors. It is intervening with the Philippine sovereignty and it is not acceptable, they say. These political leaders in the opposition mostly are the ones vocal enough tot express revolt over the US encroachment.
We are an independent nation and we don't need foreign intervention. We may invoke ally relationships when there foreign aggressions which is by the way so imminent in the Asian region in the next 30 or so years. It is said to be that china is amassing their military prowess and Australia is also getting ready...I don't know, but we still can rely on US weakening touch to protect us, hence, GMA's visit to Obama.
So she went to the US. Noticeable, these political stalwarts have written an open letter to Obama informing him of the disgraces that this Arroyo government has been having from the start. An open letter which is totally uncalled for because knowing the expanse of the US clout in every government, they should have known the issue they were writing about. They even know better the goings on in this government than anyone of us.
The desperation is understandable. We can't blame them to resort to this way since this government is adamant to the peoples' plea. All our complaints seem to fall on deaf government ears. But no matter how difficult this government is, it is still within our hands that we can thresh out a solution to our predicament. Should we need to consult Uncle Sam with anything, which is really ironic, let them by all means except of course an open letter. An open letter is tantamount for the entire world to see is not shaming Gloria alone but shaming the office she represents, and that is us.
Better yet find another way to shame Gloria that jabs. How is that?