Business in the Philippines will probably have a fresh start now that we are expecting a new President. The running leader in the just recently concluded election is Noynoy Aquino. He is now the President apparent before he will be proclaimed on June 8 but not later than June 12, 2010. This is just in time for the celebration of the Philippine independence.
Businessmen in the Philippines are expecting to prepare their strategies for the said new administration. We are looking forward to corrupt free nation as Noy-noy had always been accusing the present administration to be guilty of. I remember during his campaign that he clearly illustrated the lack of budget for school buildings and other infrastructure because of corruption. He said that there was money and yet money just went though the wrong priorities or worse was diverted to corruption, hence, no schools and lack of roads.
What the business people in the Philippines should be preparing for this new era of governance is by getting ready their businesses with better technology. Better technology may be as basic as creating a website for their company. The can visit for the web hosting and web design requirements in the Philippines. This web hosting company can also accommodate hosting requirements even outside the Philippines because their servers are not limited to Philippines alone but has also partnered with a Seattle based provider in the USA.
A website is your company’s tool to capture the world with your business. You are not only limiting your coverage to the Philippines alone but to all over the world. is your best partner in helping you out in the Philippines. The Traveller Portal hosting package start with a meager $36.55 for a 1 gig disk space a year inclusive already of the registration.
Small and Medium Enterprise in the Philippines need also to update their present accounting system which is the vital lifeblood of the business. A messy accounting set up will lead to massive lost of money, income and opportunities for the business. It is very crucial that they install QuickBooks which is also being provided by the in the Philippines. QuickBooks by the traveler portal is designed for Philippine setting where the taxes and other government regulations are already integrated in the software for easy application. The Traveller Portal QuickBooks also has the payroll system in it for the small business sin the Philippines to manage.
These are the basic provisions that a small business in the Philippines should have to start with to compete in the present time. The internet is your best tool to increase your business. When business increase income increase, and of course when income increase individually therefore the over all economy also increases.
God bless the Philippines under Noynoy Aquino