Saturday, August 29, 2009


The brain is so powerful that it can move mountains if you just know how to use it. It can heal your illness if you just make use of all its potential to the fullest. According to experts, we are just using 5%-10% of our brains all the time, so therefore just imagine if you can use 1005 of it, then you can be like Jesus who can walk on water!

This is probably where Oprah got her latest new age religion. They claim to have created god in mans image and likeness instead of the other way around. She claims that you are a god yourself! many God believing people will find this abhorring but that is what Oprah is preaching now. It is quite disturbing that someone like Oprah who had Baptist background will have a twisted view of God and pronounces her gospel through her media for all the world to hear.

We are really in a dangerous age. Climate is changing. Wars are imminent everywhere. Chaos and famine all over, sicknesses and diseases come in different names and forms everyday. People are dying from various causes unexplainable. Preachers of different religions and faiths are coming up and making claims of authentic beliefs and powers. These are the scenarios very well described in our present time and age, so befitting of the last days description of the Bible.

A lot of people are having difficulty believing the authenticity of the bible, it may not be the core of my blog today but for me everything that has been prophesied in the bible have already come to pass except those in revelation. This argument is so extensive that it requires a lifetime to explain and prove its reality which if I am to discuss its details right now might require me a lot of blog pages to accomplish. I would rather not focus on it at this moment. Just leave the issue to Billy Graham.

I want to bring you back to Oprah. It is really dangerous sometime to be drowned by overwhelming success. Michael Jackson died because he couldn't find the answer to why he couldn't sleep - and he took dipivan. He was so successful that he couldn't couldn't afford to buy himslf a sleep. Oprah may have some questions in her mind which nobody dared answer so therefore she took god for herself. She is likened to have died in faith and the culprit is her bitter success pill.

I say drowned because it is obvious that she has almost everything, success , power and authority, except for one thing - God. she grew up a Baptist so I would assume that she was taught the doctrine of salvation. Remembering from the parable of the sower, in Oprah's case, the weeds of success has overshadowed the wheat of Christian belief.

You will always have questions unanswered but going against God is a taboo. It will cause you enormous pain and misery. The joy which is so precious will be gone. You can laugh, you can pretend you have happiness, or you may be happy but this will all be superficial without the joy of God. I remember Darwin, the author of evolution, he recanted from his evolution theory when he was on his death bed. He knew for sure that he ws wrong and was accountable for his mistakes before God's thrown. Surely Oprah when her time comes to meet her end, that would probably be the time she will realize that the damaged she has brought to her patrons will remain a disaster while she is counting the days for her demise.

There are a lot of questions in life that we really cannot answer in our lifetime. That is why God uses the lowly to shame the wise because that is really how it is. It is like comparing yourself to someone who is using 100% of his brains against us using only 10% of our brains. We cannot even comprehend what is going on in our nature and all the more the nature of god. That is the reason why there is faith because it ultimately the only answer to all your questions. Faith is the substance and evidence of things unseen and longed for.

Oprah may be correct in the notion that man can be gods themselves. We are created in god's image and likeness which means we have the capacity to make use of the power of our mind to 100% full, but this is not going to happen in this life. This will happen when God has already accomplished his purpose in us to perfection - and that is when we meet him as a faithful and obedient children. My piece of advice - don't rush up things.

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