Friday, November 6, 2009


Yesterday, November 5, 2009, we just buried the remains of my Dad after he suffered for almost 2 months in the ICU. We were grieving indeed and we will always remember the pain of losing him. Our grieving will however not last for long because we are truly looking forward to his new home and peaceful second life.

We are a Christian and we certainly believe that the life eternal that awaits after this lifetime will always bear a more encouraging thought of death. We are promised eternal life if we only believe in the Lord as our Lord and personal savior. This salvation truth has been out in the open which proves no excuse for anyone to deny that they haven’t heard, but from among those who have heard and refused the offer will have their time in the fiery second life. This truth is free for everyone but only be available for him if he accepts the offer.

Life is so short. We are only given an average of 70 years in a lifetime to enjoy what life has to offer us. We will have to squeeze in every experience we have in this life whether commendable or loathsome ones. Determining how these experiences affect you truly depends on the kind of character you have developed in you which is demonstrated by you attitude when you respond to your circumstances. You can turn a bad experience to good and vice versa depending on your attitude.

My Dad who passed away is now returned to earth to rot but his spirit is free at last. He may have finished life victorious for 76 years and death is just the culmination of his triumph. His death left us the thought of how we will end up our lives on our part. Life is short and we can only live ones. How you live your life is what makes up your life. A very intriguing thought that I cannot fathom at this moment how this life will end.

Kind words are often said when somebody dies, and we cannot tell what people will say on us if we’re the ones lying in the box. We are transient in this life, simple passers by, and the tracks we live behind are the main sources of our reputation. We live just ones and certainly we want to live it to the fullest and reap the best fruits out of this life. Success, prosperity and good health is what almost everybody wants, and I even want this myself. We work hard to achieve and achievements we get but this should not stop here. As transients we live behind some reputation, bad or good, which will determine our real life’s value.

Life, temporary as it is, we still have the opportunity to make permanent the things that we live behind. The accomplishments we make, the contributions we give to the society will live a legacy for everybody to remember even if you will already be gone for the longest time. The works we do will tell in this life which is temporary a memory of you for everyone’s lifetime which is so permanent. I challenge you then, reading this blog that at this juncture you decide for yourself how you want people to remember you in this life when you are gone.

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