Election time is just 7 days away. We hear endorsements everywhere from all walks of life. In the same manner I want to express some thoughts on why I wouldn't vote for someone in the presidential race. Those who are not mentioned doesn't mean that they are on the better side of my voting list but they at least have a big chance to be selected. And the candidates who I think I will not be voting for are:
Noynoy Aquino
The band wagon may carry you over to voting for him because the surveys are telling you so. The band wagon effect is the best strategy used in marketing to entice people to believe in something, a product or an idea.
I remember the time when Noynoy’s mom died, he really didn’t have the inkling of raising his career to the presidency neither did he have any plans of moving forward as a senator. It was the people who demanded for him to run for the presidency because they thought that he will be the one to stop the increasing trend of the Philippines to becoming the number 1 most corrupt country in the world. Noynoy may be able to quell corruption but he will have to learn to stand on his own feet before he could begin to do that. He needs to have the conviction to stop corruption 1st which he really never had in the first place prior to his presidential declaration. Never did we see Noynoy stood for the people when he was yet a senator. The only plus points we could recall as his senatorial accomplishments was attendance.
When Noynoy becomes the president, the church will again become so vocal in their state intervention in the guise of moral guidance. I remember during the time of Cory when the Catholic Church has almost become part of the nation’s policy making body. Cory couldn’t just afford to say no to the cardinals; and Noynoy could still hardly get away from his mothers shadow.
Joseph Estrada
If there are issues circulating around about Noynoy’s mental health condition which he would obviously deny and what I can say is that it may just be running in the family. People who will vote for Joseph Estrada may be as worse as the mentally retarded voters. For obvious reasons, voting for Joseph Estrada is like swallowing again what you have vomited. He was convicted of plunder and pardoned by the even more slanderous administration which gave him the encouragement to run again for the presidency. In assuming that he did not even commit the crime he was accused of as he would say, I still wouldn’t vote for him by the mere fact the he was accused of such. It is an insult to our history that a disgraced president gets reelected after he ran again.
Jamby Madrigal
I just can’t imagine having a President of the Philippines with a foreigner as the husband. Her husband is a French businessman. We are used to officers with dual citizenships working in the government like Gary Olivar who is both a Filipino and an American citizen. For some obvious reasons he couldn’t get rid of his foreign citizenship because of security. Everybody needs a fallback. When things in the country won’t go right, they can right away leave and apply the benefits of their other citizenship. In the case of Jamby, it is just but very normal that the President should be 100% Filipino and that includes the better half.
Gibo Teodoro
It is really not safe to say right now that the reason I am not going to vote for him is because he is from the administration. There was a rumor that circulated which said that Gloria is backing up Villar and not Gibo, but whatever that is, a vote for Gibo may just be a waste of vote. Your single vote may be in the danger of being wasted if the trend of Gibo continues to dip down in the pit. Still I will not vote for him despite his winnability if there is because after all he is still the man for Gloria. Whoever Gloria supports will just have to end losing.
JC de los Reyes
I dont know, but I just cannot be convince why this little guy would really want to run for President. His arguments are very shallow and so common that he wont even get a chance to win if runs for Mayor.
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