Monday, November 29, 2010


What is wrong with using contraceptives?  Personally, I don’t see anything wrong about it.  If you have to have sex with somebody you don’t know you better use the most famous contraceptives of all time, the condom.  It is unimaginable that you get to someone you don’t know skin to skin without the protection you need.  It is always better to be safe.

In view of the Roman Catholics abhorrence to the idea of using condom, it is not fair on their part to make a sweeping statement that these people are really against sex and are lot holier than anybody else in terms of self control.  Well, of course, with the priest celibacy vow, indeed I can’t comment any further.  I salute them to the max!

The use of contraceptive being bad came from the idea that having sex outside marriage is indeed not acceptable.  The bible terms it fornication. If you are a bible believing person, you can tell yourself if you commit fornication to go to hell because that is where you really are going.  It is punishable by death, of course spiritual death.  Fornication is the illicit sexual intercourse of unmarried persons.
Another equally wrong sexual relationship is adultery.  This is commonly known to women who are being charged by their husbands which are a strong case if caught with someone other than their husbands.  Adultery is punishable by imprisonment and is a valid basis for annulment in the Philippines, divorce in the US.  From the context of the bible, it is to have sexual relations with someone other than one's own spouse, husband or wife.  The only difference that the bible has against our perceived adultery is that in the bible, the mere thinking of the girl, imagining her naked, looking at her with lust is already committing adultery.
Matthew 5:28  But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

Another type of sexual immorality is having sex with the same sex.   This is gross because I cannot myself afford to do this if given the chance! This is the worse kind of immorality because this was the common practice in the times of Lot in the bible where God burned Sodom and Gomorrah to ashes.  Men were having sex against men, just like what we commonly see in the society today.

The leastof these immoral acts is of course masturbation.  This refers to sexual stimulation of a person's genitals, usually to the point of orgasm. The stimulation can be performed manually, by other types of bodily contact (short of sexual intercourse), by use of objects or tools, or by some combination of these methods. Self masturbation is a common form of autoeroticism. Masturbation with a partner (called mutual masturbation), is also common.  This may not be as bad if you have some sort of medical reasons to do this. Some would say it is good for the heart; others would say it is to relieve them of stress,or what not. We can name all the excuses we can have in the world, but at the end of the day, if you do it because there is no one to express your desire for sex unto,then you are committing an immoral act worthy of the punishment mentioned above.
Now, you ask, why then it is not good to use contraceptives?  From my personal point of view, it is not the use of contraceptives that they may be against to but the purpose of where it is to be used.  If you are going to use it just out of lust then you are a victim of your own demonic mind.

The question of population is secondary as far as the church is concerned, as I thought so.  The Roman Catholic wouldn’t care to stop the population growth because this is one way of increasing membership through biological way.  The Roman Catholic population is dwindling all over the world, and the fastest growing religion is Islam, so you make your choice which religion you would want to get ahead in this world.

If the people however are well educated to just be loyal to their spouses and never mind the rising popularity of broken homes, separated husbands and wives, children with no fathers, or no mothers, and just stick to whoever you have, your wife or your husband, of the opposite sex of course, then the fear of propagating the deadly sexually transmitted diseases will be lessened.

We have just taken the church stand to be against the use of contraceptives out of context.  It is immorality that they abhor and not the use of it per se.  They have just been so vocal about being against the use of these sexual tools because it is the only way to get their message across which the common Tao can understand in a flash.

You don’t go to congress and do bible study and educate these people about morality.  Aside from they not understanding it, it will be a waste of tax payers money listening to priestly education. You don’t go to the streets and preach the bad news about having illicit relationships and quote whatever religious verses you have; but you go out there and show to the people your message that can be understood even with just visual communication – and that is condom.

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