Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Osama Bin Laden a Decoy

Obviously there were individuals serving Bin Laden in his Pakistan hideout site, be they state workers, were they merely from Taliban-related assemblage, were they from the intelligence organization?

For each and every one may pose the questions, doubtfully they will get any answers. There will be uncertainty about the issue and the Pakistanis will refute they had some information at all.

The concern here is made up of army headship, intelligence organization direction and some higher-ranking social servants, and they have for all time run Pakistan, whether democratic administration or military rule, and those folks do have associations among jihadis.

The sophistication the Americans have in understanding that there are more than 20 diverse types of jihadi organisations stationed all over the world, and al-Qaeda is just one of them. The military has diverse strategy towards various types of faction and that subtleness is often vanished on American policy-makers.

Bin Laden resisted the troops and was shot dead head-shot, but was not armed.

The CIA is by now probing objects in custody from the raid, as well as computer hard drives, DVDs and some pertinent documents that could lead to other groups linked to Bin Laden.

No conclusion had yet been made on whether to let loose a picture of Bin Laden's body, the image was pretty gruesome and could inflame some sensitivity. 

Just watch out for what actions these jihadist will do next because obviously Bin Laden’s death just appeared to be offered in a silver platter. The Navy Seals have taken full control of the hide out in just 40 minutes without any casualty at all which is very unusual for the world’s most wanted to succumb that easily.

There are plenty of question running in everyone’s mind about the how Bin laden hid himself for a decade putting to shame the elite intelligence network that was employed to track him.  What came to be more surprising was that he was found to be in a posh Pakistani neighbourhood and not in a bunker somewhere in the desert which no advanced technology satellite could penetrate.

If he was really that formidable, as what media has established him to be as the world’s most wanted, the defenders of Islam would have given him the invincibility which obviously presented to us the opposite during the time of assault. Let the world therefore become more vigilant as the assassination of Bin Laden could just be a ploy to ward off the world’s attention from the real war on terror. A sacrificial lamb describes him best.

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