Saturday, April 4, 2009


Many must have known this man whom I will be talking about.  He died about two thousand years ago on the cross at Calvary.  He was the man who was hanged on the cross because of the crime he must have committed against the Roman government in the past.  
The cross was rough.  You can tell by the time this incident happened that there were yet no efficient plainer tools used for carpentry. The nails that were punched were relatively big so that it could hold the wait of the person of hanging on to these nails. 
Many have observed that the symbol of the cross, where there is a man hanging, that the nails were pinned on the palms.  Nailing the person on the palm and hang him for a few hours would literally tear off the palm because of the wait it would carry. It was later on discovered from the old records, and perhaps practically reasoning, that the nails were punched on the wrist. It was a direct hit on the pulse which connects to the spinal column to the brain.  You must have experienced hitting your elbow to a corner of a table that it produced an electrifying effect which causes numbness for seconds.  This same pain multiplied a thousand times is the same excruciating pain that this man I am talking about have had on the cross.  To completely describe the pain, it was a total paralysis from the neck down to the feet!
He was hanged because of sin! Did he really commit a crime? If committing sin during that time deserved to be hanged on the cross, then it would have been all the people all over the world 2000 years who were lined up to hang on the cross then.  Nobody could have survived the devastation. 

That means you and me should have been laid on the cross and not only him.  After all the pain and the suffering, this man has survived for three more hours before he died.  Isn't that amazing?  No other religious icon can ever emulate such strength; and to add up to this amazing act, he rose again from the dead on the third day!  And I am talking about Jesus Christ!
Why do we reckon his experience? It was during this same season that he died on the cross.  The people have gone bad to worse after his death. We see people all over the world to have gone callous about the sin they commit everyday.  Sinning today has become part of the everyday life.  It appears that is has become an accepted norm to sin.  I am talking about sin, whether it small and big, it is all the same.  Taking in to consideration that Jesus died on the cross because of sin he was accused of, then that all means that we all deserve to die on the cross as well.  Please take note also that he never committed a sin in the first place...
One classic example of the sins committed today would be man have sexual interest with another man, and women as well, same sex relationship.  I remember in the story of Sodom and Gomorrah where people were acting the in the same way as this same sex advocates do today. Corruption in the government, especially in the Philippines where it has already become a standard operating procedure for government officials to gain from the position he holds.  Abuse of women and kids is

You might say to yourself that it is alright, I don't do any of these things anyway, you are wrong.  The sins I am talking about are the same sins that you commit on your mind when you envy a neighbor, when you curse to your teeth, when you lie, when you bluff...etc.  Whether the sin you commit is big, or whether it is petty, it is all the same, sin.
These are the sins that would cause your death.  We all deserve to die but this Jesus I am talking about did it for all of us.  He died on the cross for you.  All you need to do is acknowledge that you are a sinner and believe in you heart that his death on the cross was for you.  Believe that this act on the cross is personally for you which in effect make him your personal savior. Then you are cool!

The legacy of sacrificial love is far too different from the legacy of hate and submission as what world teaches you.  I assure you of the piece that abounds when you r declare that you have made your personal Lord and Savior.

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