Monday, April 27, 2009

Philippine summer rains

Everybody in the Philippines may be wondering right now that rains are pouring all over the country in the middle of summertime. It is rally amazing that it even floods the metropolis as if it is already the rainy season. What is funny is that people are dismayed specially those who have prepared long and hard for the summer escapade and yet only to be faced with pouring rains in the resorts.

We were traveling with my kids to San Juan , Batangas, a major beach destination nowadays in Metro Manila one hot afternoon. Before we hop to our ride for a good 4 hour travel, the sun was sweltering hot in Metro Manila. The sun was burning a 30-35 degrees celcius which was really head splitting hot. In my mind, it was just alright because we were leaving the Metropolis and frolic in the sand and water in the beaches of San Juan anyway.

True enough, we arrived Lipa by almost 5 in the afternoon and voila, pebble sized raindrops began to fall on our windshield. The wiper had to make double its effort to wipe out the pouring water as it mixes with the dusts accumulated from highway ride and the metro polution which splattered like mud on us. The sand and sea we longed to see was mud and rain which appeared to be.

I began to ponder on the situation. This must be climate change Philippines setting. We don't get to see ice melt because there is no snow. What we can expect then is that summer rains are sure to come. Let us just hope and pray that it will not rain forty days and forty nights as in the days of Noah, because when that happens, large parts of the Philippines will submerge and will probably create another island called Antipolo ,Makiling and Pulag and many more mountain tops. Well, it will make easier for our corrupt officials to build bridges and roads in the new found land because the new archipelago will definitely need new bridges to connect the new Philippines.

In the states, politics and greed for oil is to blame why the use of fossil oil ( the major culprit of climate change by the way) remained unabated. The money that they would earn from their glut for oil has come to the point where damages it brough is near irreparable. In the Philippine context on one hand is a little primitive but equally greedy. The government from the past to the present remained mum about banning the cutting of trees. They kept on arguing whether to implement total log ban or selective log ban. They are still arguing on that until today while illegal loggers and “legitimate ones” are continuously cutting our woods indesciminately.

The effects of their irresponsibilities may have caused us to sacrifice and forego our session with the sun at the beach, but it will not be too long from now, when we will be sacrificing sunbathing no more. The hairs on your head are more plenty to count than the number of years you can expect the sun to eat us up and turn our planet like Venus and burn.

Let us make up our minds. Let us rally behind and support any effort to save the earth. You know what to do, it is all over the net for you to find out...

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