Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Of course you do! Let me show you why...

You need a life insurance if your kids are still small and depends totally on you for their daily needs. If you are allocating 100 thousand for their yearly consumption, then the insurance that you should be covered with should not go less than a hundred a day times the number of years you think your kids remain to be kids, so that when you as the sole provider pass away, these kids will not be deprived of their daily provisions.

You need a life insurance if your kids are still going to school. Spending a hundred thousand a year from your income to support your kids educational needs will also be the same amount of insurance coverage that you should acquire for yourself multiplied by the number of years you expect your kids to remain in school.

You need a life insurance if you have debts. You don't expect your wife to be paying for your debt when you pass away, do you? Certainly, the amount of insurance that you should get must not go lower than the debt you have.

You need a life insurance if you are rich and has plenty of assets to live your heir with when you die. Unless you want your government to gobble a huge chunk of your property to taxes, then let it be, don't cover yourself with insurance. The amount of insurance that you should get must not be lower than the expected estate taxes your properties may be required of.

You need a life insurance to cover for your funeral. Dying is so expensive today, if you havn't realized it yet. You have already covered for your kids needs until they grow up, taken cared of their education, and covered all your debts as well and even their inheritance, and I dont think you are going to deprive yourself of this privilege, insurance for funeral.

It is expected that many will agree and some may contest what ever I have wirtten here, it is alright, this has nothing to do with me anyway. This will do so much for you if you heed my thoughts though. You might argue, and say, you are not going to die soon, and my answer is, well and good, enjoy the living benefits of your insurance in addition to your retirement. What if it doesn't have living benefits, then so what? You are alive anyway... afterall, it is sweeter to cherish life in your golden years rather to claim your insurance and die.

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