Just about few days ago we heard on the news, we've seen on TV that Ruby Rose, the sister of former beauty queen Rochelle Barrameda, was murdered. It has been 2 years before they found her stuck in cemented drum and thrown on to the murky sea of Navotas. Navotas is known for fishing business here in the Philippines, and just look at the bay in Manila, this place is one of the dirtiest. She was murdered obviously with extreme anguish from the murderer, whoever did it.
For about several years ago also, it was a sensation in media about the murder of publicist Bubby Dacer. He was the PR man of disgraced Philippine President Joseph Estrada. He was abducted, brought to a faraway town and was murdered. The murderer was so careful enough not to leave any traces that they burned the body to the last bone.
All these murders would not have been known if the accomplices did not come out in the open and testify to the crime. In the case of Barrameda, the witness who came out was part of the murder himself he said and it was he who pointed out where the body was dumped. In the Dacer case, the police officer who was exiled to the US will be the one to testify who the mastermind was. We will all soon know how these things transpired, and we will leave to the government how justice will be served for the victims. I am certain that there is still justice in the Philippines no matter how slim the chances are.
The intensity of the murder done to the victims nowadays are so violent and barbaric that you can associate it in the dark ages. In the dark ages, people were not valued as human when they kill them, same with these murders that we have right now. I have no question about the Philippines to be remaining in the seemingly dark age situation, murders, poverty due to corruption and typically dim future for many of us, because we have been used to it for the longest time. Darkness began when Ferdinand Marcos reigned in the Philippines and light has never shown on us since then - well perhaps there was a bit - sort of a light at the end of the tunnel, a quote that usually gives hope to the hopeless.
What are we a looking forward in the scenes we are witnessing now? Are we seeing the rise of a murderous society which no government can control? Or this is just the result of a society molded upon distrust and manipulation by those in authority that hiding crime is already a practice accepted as social norm. It is likened to the saying that "the wrongful act of an adult becomes right in the eyes of a child". the people will be callous to acts of crime which you hear everyday that those in the government are not sanctioned from the crimes they commit. Look unto your government officials as your leaders and mentors and you as the child, do you expect to learn good things from many of them? There have been scandals that have been divulged which the public deserves an explanation but because the culprits are holding high positions in the government, thwarting the investigation, covering up the crime silencing the witness.
Crime hiding acts are seen everyday, read on news papers, heard over the radio and watched on TV.
You can no longer distinguish a gruesome murder from high level corruption because after all these are crimes that needs to be punished. The only difference between murder and corruption is that the hurt it brings to the victim is physical but in no way different when how the rights and privileges of the person was deprived. Corruption is like killing the person softly with the his own sweat and blood, and I am referring to many persons sweat and blood involved. After all there is no major sin and minor sin, these are all sins and they all have equal dark values.
We hear the cry of the bereaved families of Ruby Rose and Bubby Dacer. We sympathize with them and they all deserve justice for their loved ones. I am hoping for the day when the murderers are brought to jail and be locked up for life. It would really be best if they are hanged!
I am equally grieving for the murder done everyday by our corrupt officials, who by their doings, have inspired criminals to commit crime so easily without remorse. I am thinking of the school children who goes to public schools without books and classrooms. I am thinking of the teachers who burn eyebrows to create lesson plans and teach during day and have to sell other some merchandise on the side to make both ends meet because of their meager salaries. I am thinking of the children without parents because they are abroad trying to earn some dollars to help pump prime the ailing Philippine economy of course by their remittances because there is no job here.
There are no classrooms and books in the public school, no salary for the teachers and no job for the Filipinos because many of our government officials are busy with personal agenda enriching themselves by virtue of the authority bestowed on them. Instead of looking for opportunities that would create jobs for the people, they busy themselves with charter change which is not urgent. They have been busy investigating scandals and slinging mud against each other instead of taking care of the needs of the nation. Public schools have no books because the books they purchased cant be used and are just stocked in the warehouse to rot, because they were purchased to earn a commission and intention for school use is secondary.
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