Seeking peace for the whole wide world is as illusive as the song my illusive dream by Tom Jones. It is near to impossible to happen. Looking for a common ground among different races and beliefs is like looking for a needle in a hay stack, which in the end after all the efforts you realize that it is not the needle that you were suppose to be looking for. Vague objective, impossible task and incredible vision - world peace.
Barack Obama recent spoke about his desire to extend a reconciliatory hand to the Muslim people. It is a common belief that the source of terrorism in the World Trade Center attack was deeply rooted in the people belonging to the Muslim community, hence, as what Obama did, reconciling with them would probably lessen the threat of terrorism, so thereby bringing peace in the world. .
We are talking about world peace definitely when we are able to muzzle the heart of terrorism brought about by the "Muslim" extremists. We see that aside from drugs and greed for money, the other worse terrorist group are those founded by religion. The only religion we know which people are capable of declaring war against all nation would be those from Muslim extremist - and they call themselves Jihad warriors.
Jihad is there term for religious war. A fight for freedom to defend their faith, as far as I know. Their cause is legitimate and I totally agree with the fighting for freedom, specially when my faith is at stake. In the Christian community, specially the Roman Catholics, those who died for their faith were declared Saints. In the Christian community in the real sense of the word, those who believe in Jesus Christ are called Saints. In the Muslim community, those who fought for Jihad were called saints.
The danger however for the Muslim extremist specially the Jihadist is that many of them don't really know the really meaning of all of these. It is understood, as I have understood it also, that they consider to be an enemy of their religion those who do not believe in Allah. I remember also that this Jihad started during the time of their prophet Mohammed where he was still expanding Islam. But in many instances, Jihad has been abused by many, some uses the word instead, to legitimize terrorism which is not healthy for their religion.
From the backgrounder, Obama needs to dig deeper in the roots of all these misunderstandings. The educated Muslims may have understood what this is all about, they must have known what they wanted and perhaps know where they stand by now as a religion. Through them, maybe, Obama will be able to find a common ground to start discussing reconciliation and peace, but to those who are deeply blinded by the ambiguity of what they believe to be "Jihad", Obama may need to find another script.
It is hard to find a solution to terrorism founded by religion because probably the objective is as vague as all religions are. It is likened to silencing a child in tantrums who doesn't know what he really wants. If you follow your precepts based upon religious teachings, then you are in deep trouble because it will never lead you to any conclusion. If you read your religious books, I read the Holy Bible, it has no conclusion. It is an open ended book. Some things are yet to come if you base it on religious books, and to me, I cant base my daily tasks to something that is yet to come. I can probably set my objectives and hopes on it and be guided by it, but never to be my negotiating stand .
Now, Obama has to decipher carefully what they are hoping for to gain common grounds with these people. Are they hoping that all the people in the world will be Muslims? It would have been better if this was really the objective at all for at least we know, but I doubt it, had it been it was the objective, then there would have been total peace within the Muslim countries; and yet there is none. Ask them point blank...what is it that you really want? the answer might just be " errr...uhm...wait."
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